Friday, 27 September 2013


What is a webfolio?

You were introduced to webfolios as a tool in Pebble+ in your first activity. For this assessment you get to build a more comprehensive webfolio. Webfolios can contain a number of pages which you can add, edit or delete at any time.

In this assessment you develop a summary case study. You present a description of a person with a chronic condition. You should write this as a scenario. Your scenario shouldn’t be about a real person, although you may want to draw inspiration from someone you have encountered.

The great thing about doing this as a webfolio is that you can link to resources and can use any of the assets that you have created.

In preparing your case study you need to provide the following:

1. Brief background – description of the case ie a person with a chronic condition with a very brief description of that condition

We provide the following example to give you inspiration:

Peter is a 40 year old builder for a commercial building company overseeing large construction projects. His job involves using a variety of materials and heavy lifting, and he commonly works twelve hour days. He has worked in the same industry since beginning his apprenticeship at age 15.

He does not have income protection insurance and he is the sole income earner for his family that includes his wife Paulette, and four children aged 6, 8, 10 and 13. His children are all in school. The oldest is in a private secondary college, the younger three in a public primary school. One of the primary aged children receives private tutoring due to a learning disability. He and his wife are paying a mortgage and his wife undertakes 15 hours of unpaid volunteer work each week while the children are at school.

The last time Peter went to the doctor was 2 years ago for a work related injury that required a tetanus injection. At this time, Peter’s GP ran some routine tests as Peter had not had a general check up in a long time. These tests showed that Peter had high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and had pre diabetic blood sugar levels. These results were not followed up.

Peter is reluctant to access health services and does not have a high opinion of doctors. He has suffered from chronic lower back pain for the past 15 years. The back pain is not attributed to any one event and Peter considers that it is “just part of the job”. He is a heavy smoker – 30 a day habit, he consumes at least three stubbies of beer per day and his diet at work is poor. He is overweight – BMI over 30. Peter is frequently short of breath which he dismisses.

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2. Health promotion activities and risk factors applicable for that person

3. Brief description of the likely barriers and enablers for effective self management that relate to this person

4. An outline of a self management care plan that would be appropriate for the person. This plan would include identification of the multidisciplinary team that would be appropriate, and the self management tools and interventions that could be used to support the person to self manage.

You can keep updating your webfolio as you go so if you want to get started early you could get your scenario ready and as you work through the subject build up your webfolio as you develop knowledge in the area of chronic condition self management.

You will note that your part 2 assessment is not due until June but you can start working on your webfolio whenever you want.

By the time you have finished your webfolio you will have developed up a fantastic piece of work that will showcase what you have learnt in this area. Remember that the great thing about using Pebble+ is that the webfolio you develop (and other assets) will be available to you and can be updated at any time while you are a student. After you finish studying, the PebblePad company allows free access for one year. After that time you can access your account for a small yearly fee. Your case study may be something that you want to present in the future to demonstrate your commitment to learning, and illustrate your knowledge and skill to a potential employer.

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