Friday, 23 August 2013

educational outcomes

variation of educational outcomes across countries and what are the determinants of educational attainments of children in these countries. I
Write a 10 page essay variation of educational outcomes across countries and what are the determinants of educational attainments of children in these countries. Indeed, some countries might be more ‘open’ in the sense that children of less educated parents may be able to archive higher educational status. Other countries might be more stratified and have less social mobility.
conduct a small and succinct research project on some topic or issue that has demographic relevance. We cover a range of topics in the course, but you are free to pick any topic of your choice. The core of population studies focuses on issues of fertility, mortality, and migration, but you could also focus on issues of stratfication, family, health, etc. A research project involves original analysis of data, in this case secondary data. We have an extensive collection of demographic data available and will work with you to find appropriate data for your particularly research question. Moreover, the internet revolution puts amazing amounts of data within easy access.
Software Requirements: All students will need a copy of a statistical analytic program, typically SPSS or Stata, for their personal computer or have access to a computer with the software installed. Both are available for free for all Bocconi students and can be downloaded directly onto a PC. They are also installed in all the computer labs. For students with a Mac, you need to send an email to the instructor who will forward a request to ASIT and then visit the ASIT office to have the software installed.
Data: Secondary data is any data that has previously been collected. For convenience, Professor Macmillan will be available to point you towards relevant data for your research question or to identify and compile publically available data for analysis. The only requirement for data is that the data cover issues of demographic or population significance in a scientifically rigorous way and are samples that make data analysis feasible. If students have questions about the feasibility or utility of particular data, they should consult an instructor.
Specifications: Strong projects would include the following:
A description of the sample and sampling approach
A description of the key variables
A table that summarizes the distributions (i.e., mean, standard deviation, other) The statistical/analytic strategy or strategies used

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