Friday, 23 August 2013

Project Evaluation & Development

provide a professional report that addresses the practical commercial issues presented by the case study.
Linden Homes has secured the old La Sainte Union site – previously a convent, teacher training college and latterly part of Southampton University. Outline planning permission was gained for a variety of residential and commercial units as shown on the block location plan. Construction work has begun, but there are a number of unresolved planning issues and decisions concerning the construction of various aspects of the site.
Linden Homes are considering using ‘Block D’ as a pilot scheme for developing a ‘Zero Carbon’ block of flats for private sale. Already at the planning stage it has been agreed that level 4 of the ‘Code for Sustainable Homes’ would be applied. Discussions are on going as to whether the site will be district heated by an extension to the Geothermal or have a combined heat and power unit. A key unresolved issue is of what construction and other measures need to be considered to gain level 6– zero carbon rating and will potential buyers of properties be attracted to this particular block of flats?
Linden Homes accept that this block will be a prototype for possibly rolling out a new image and marketing strategy for the whole of the company using the zero carbon tag. Whilst wishing to be advantageous and innovative, the scheme must be financially viable.
You are to take the role of a consultant employed by Linden Homes to advise them on ONE of the following four areas of work.
Guidance for each assessed section:
Individually assessed areas:
1. Forms of Construction
• Outline suitable forms of construction for the development.
• Prepare a detailed technical evaluation of the selected form of construction including essential features to meet level 4 for the code for sustainable homes.
• Discuss strategies to reduce the carbon emissions generated during construction and highlight the implications for Linden Homes.
2. Economic Analysis
• Prepare a cost estimate for the development to meet level 4 for the code for sustainable homes.
• Selecting an appropriate profit margin, prepare a residual valuation for the development to recommend a purchase price for the land.
• Considering the current economic climate carry out a multi-variable sensitivity analysis of the valuation.
3. Proposals for Development Planning
• Prepare an analysis of the planning policy requirements, including the course(s) of action that will need to be taken in respect to obtaining full planning permission for the development with the impact of level 4 of the code for sustainable homes.
The analysis should include identification of variables for planning, evaluate the impact on the development highlighting the implications for construction, financing and marketing of the development.
4. Marketing and Programme
• Develop a marketing and sales strategy including a marketing budget for the development within the current economic environment.
• Prepare a programme showing main activities and key mile stones for the design, planning permission, construction and sales.
• Discuss the marketing implications for Linden Homes should the development be built to meet level 6 of the code for sustainable homes.

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